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John Allen
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This is going to be huge! Love it & can’t wait to see what this app can do.
Runway for iOS
The magic of Gen-1, now on your phone
John Allen
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I've been following this project from the very beginning. So cool to see you whip this up quickly and have it come to life in a matter of weeks!
Generate wonderful bedtime stories – powered by AI
John Allen
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I love the idea of connecting internal teams through a human-first platform. Helm offers so much insight into who we work with every day even if we don't directly work with them which is a huge value add for the various, large teams that I work with. There's a lot of potential here!
Helm 2.0
Make instant connections with a personal work profile
John Allen
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Who else is launching today?
Share your products! I'd love to see what people from the PH community have been working on.
Lava empowers you to capture, discover, and curate conversations and podcasts with friends.
Create, share, & discover audio conversations with friends
John Allen
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I'll start! Big fan of...
- Darknet Diaries
- Acquired
- inTheir20s
- Just Raised
- The Jordan Harbinger Show
- The Daily
What are your favorite podcasts?
John Allen
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John Allen
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What are your favorite podcasts?
I'm always on the hunt for new podcasts to enjoy while making breakfast, exploring the city (shout out to Chicago), and working throughout the day.
What are some podcasts that are worth highlighting?
John Allen
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Give Lava a shot to gain some more exposure & connect with your audience -- :)
Any tools and tips for marketing a podcast?
Paul B
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John Allen
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Love the visual updates 💯
[ChangeLog] February 28th, 2022 Release Notes
Michael Silber
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John Allen
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Hey Product Hunt 👋
I really love the authenticity of conversations, the convenience of podcasts, and the social benefits of sharing your ideas on the internet. Like many people, I tried to make a podcast but quickly realized that the time and financial investment was hard to justify since I just wanted to talk to interesting people without becoming a full-time creator. I also tried the live...
Create, share, & discover audio conversations with friends
John Allen
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Yesss! I've been waiting for this to be built for so long. Amazing work 💯
Send Notion pages as HTML emails
John Allen
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The evolution & rebrand of Facebook to expand the vision for social media beyond the traditional formats of mobile & web.
Meta by Facebook
Tech that helps people connect and explore in the metaverse
The metaverse is the next evolution of social connection. 3D spaces in the metaverse will let you socialize, learn, collaborate and play in ways that go beyond what we can imagine.
Meta by Facebook
Tech that helps people connect and explore in the metaverse
John Allen
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So many podcasters use video while collaborating so this is a really smart edition to the already great suite of features 🔥
Video Podcasts on Spotify
Create a podcast via Anchor that you can watch on Spotify
John Allen
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Saw this last night for the first time & really like how the Collabs makes tagging much more dynamic. Super cool feature!
Instagram Collabs
New way to co-author Feed posts and Reels, many more updates
John Allen
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Helm is amazing! Great product, great branding, & great team. Congrats on the PH launch 👏
Stay ahead of burnout with daily mindfulness and reflection
John Allen
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Drop your product link and a topic, and I will write a short blog post for free.
Mavlonbek Muratov
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John Allen
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I've been waiting for someone to make this! So awesome
Just like Dribbble, but for developers
John Allen
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Super impressive feature from a really cool company!
Cameo Calls
Newest way to video call one-on-one with your favorite stars