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Jamal Habash
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From their website "Easily create AI powered marketing campaigns to maximize your website conversion, with no coding required"

Optimize Your Web Traffic Conversion. Intelligent Overlays.

Optimize Your Web Traffic Conversion. Intelligent Overlays.

Jamal Habash
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From their website: Wink by Kindara, is a Bluetooth basal thermometer that allows women to seamlessly track their data with greater ease and accuracy.

Wink by Kindara
The first oral fertility thermometer built for Kindara

Wink by Kindara
The first oral fertility thermometer built for Kindara

Jamal Habash
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An unfortunate name considering one of the biggest points against supersonic flight is the deafening sonic boom.

Supersonic passenger jet - NYC⇒LDN in 3½ hours

Hum On!
Hum into your phone to create sheet music.