Jared Janes

Jared Janes

Podcasting, Meditating & Learning
5 points
Impactful - 5 Attention
Impactful - America 2016
Impactful - 4 Technology
Google Allo
Impactful - Certainty Chat
The Headphone by Bragi
Waking Up #44 - Being Good and Doing Good: A Conversation with William MacAskill
Impactful - 3 Repetition
Love Your Work w/ David Kadavy - An Interview with Dr. Terry Wahls
Impactful - 1 Foundations
Impactful - 2 Certainty
The Tim Ferriss Show - Will MacAskill on Effective Altruism, Y Combinator, and Artificial Intelligence
Leap Kit
The Brain
Doing Good Better
Product Hunt for Chrome