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Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Jason Comely
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For anyone in doubt, I got 25% off the new kindle Paperwhite using Like Mani said earlier, it is the real deal!

Save 5-25% on Amazon with Bitcoin

Jason Comely
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As seen on Product Hunt, when only the printable PDF version was available:

Rejection Therapy (actual) card decks from The Game Crafter
The game where rejection is success (Updated and improved)

Rejection Therapy (actual) card decks from The Game Crafter
The game where rejection is success (Updated and improved)

Bitcoin Copywriter
Copywriting for Bitcoin-Related Businesses

Jason Comely
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The book is written by Jia Jiang, a guy who did 100 days of the Rejection Therapy challenge. The first chapter is killer. Both gripping and funny. Should be a big hit.
Unfortunately, I submitted this pretty late in the day :/

Rejection Proof (book)
How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible

Rejection Proof (book)
How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible

Addiction & Subtraction
The game that makes quitting a bad habit fun

Jason Comely
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Breeze is a clever hybrid of Basecamp and Kanban. I've been using it for about a week and it has potential.

Kanban-type project tracker “for serious project management”

Jason Comely
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Great (domain) name. Sticky.

Do more with your lunch hour. Meet new people.

Jason Comely
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Now I have that Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five song in my head.

The analog way to be connected

Jason Comely
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In my opinion, a good name can really set it off, and "Tise" is a great name.

Social marketplace, promote your items to a wide audience

Jason Comely
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I can't think of a single practical use for this. This is not what society needs.

Pyro Fireshooter
Shoot fire balls from the palm of your hand

Jason Comely
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This is a "shut up and take my money" moment.

A tiny tool to help you write better

Jason Comely
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Do these prices take into account hidden costs and commitments?

No-nonsense domain price comparisons, updated daily

Jason Comely
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Not to be confused with Hipster Domain Finder:

Hipster Business Name
Generate a name and logo for your hipster business

Jason Comely
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Powerful idea. Is this US-centric or could it work for any country?

Crowdfunding for lawsuits

Jason Comely
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Vainglory is the best name :)

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) made for mobile

Jason Comely
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I admit, I have an unhealthy obsession with todo apps. I'll have to check this one out. 2.0
Collaborative to-do list app