Jay Baer

Jay Baer

President, convince & convert
123 points
Social Pros Podcast - The Formula for Creating Great Videos
Social Pros Podcast - The Stunning Relationship Between Social Media and ADHD
Social Pros Podcast - How to Curate Social Media Trends That Matter
Social Pros Podcast - How to Achieve Incredible Social Media Success in a University
Social Pros Podcast - Proof That Focusing on Your Product Can Work in Social Media
5 Unmistakable Lessons From 50 Social Media Leaders
Social Pros Podcast - How to Tell Compelling Stories One Tweet at a Time
Social Pros Podcast - How A Ginormous Accounting Firm Uses Snapchat Like a Boss
Social Pros Podcast - How to Activate Your Employees As Social Media Advocates
Social Pros Podcast - Why Messaging Apps Will Make Websites Irrelevant
Social Pros Podcast - Should Marketers Start to Use Twitter Like Facebook
Social Pros Podcast - How LensCrafters Uses Frame Candy to Excite You in Social
ReQueue for CoSchedule
Social Pros Podcast - How Innovative Startups Are Raising Money in a Whole New Way
Social Pros Podcast - How Kellogg Delights Fans by Telling Bigger Social Stories
Social Pros Podcast - How a Theoretical Physicist Became a Big Company Social Media Manager
Social Pros Podcast - Why You Should Be Doing Less Social, Not More
Social Pros Podcast - Are You Using the Right Social Media Tools?
Social Pros Podcast - What Is the Relationship Between Social and Community?