Jazib Sawar

Jazib Sawar

Senior Software Engineer, Cosmic
18 points
All activity
Jazib Sawar
Cosmic Intelligence is a suite of powerful AI features to help you build smarter.
Cosmic Intelligence
Cosmic Intelligence
AI powered features for the Cosmic CMS
Jazib Sawar
Blocks are pre-built website components that you can drop into your project. Choose from landing pages, blogs, image galleries, product pages, and more.
Blocks by Cosmic
Blocks by Cosmic
Data infused components for building websites and apps
Jazib Sawar
Search millions of high-quality stock photos, videos, and vectors from popular online media services: Unsplash, Pexels, Giphy, and Pixabay from one convenient interface. Also includes AI-generated images from OpenAI.
Cosmic Media
Cosmic Media
Search high-quality stock photos, videos, AI images and more
Jazib Sawar
Cosmic 2.0 is a latest version of the Cosmic CMS dashboard. This release includes two big updates: 1. The new dashboard version 2.0 is now in general availability. 2. We have a brand new website.
Cosmic 2.0
Cosmic 2.0
Headless CMS and API toolkit
Jazib Sawar
Cosmic Merge Requests makes it easy to do bulk edit and preview workflows for your CMS content.
Cosmic Merge Requests
Cosmic Merge Requests
Git-like workflows for CMS content
Jazib Sawar
Jazib Sawar
left a comment
Great product guys. Will check this out soon.
The New GraphCMS
Original GraphQL CMS, reimagined ✨
Jazib Sawar
Jazib Sawar
left a comment
Cool. Great Job! One question: can we add this to our subdomain?
A free status page w/ uptime monitoring + incident reporting