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Sticker Doodle is an app for creating your own stickers that can then be sent to anyone via iMessage. You're just a tap away from sending your very best finger paintings! Got an iPad? Get serious about your Sticker Doodles with an Apple Pencil!

Sticker Doodle
Draw your own stickers for iMessage, Discord, and Slack

Chad Etzel
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Hi PH! After working at Apple for several years, this is my first indie app I made and released. This idea came to me because my daughter enjoys drawing little doodles to send to her grandparents, and I thought it would be fun to make it easy to send them through iMessage as a sticker app... and it just sort of grew from there!
I've been very inspired watching my beta testers make their little...

Sticker Doodle
Draw your own stickers for iMessage, Discord, and Slack

Cat Facts
Get random cat facts in your Slack every so often 😸

Chad Etzel
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Hi all. I've been keeping a "Read Later" collection of tweets for over a year; tweets that I wanted to revisit or that had links to articles I wanted to read later. I finally got the idea to make my DM bot available to everybody. You can see my own Read Later collection here: -- and you can read more about the @ReadLaterBot itself here:...

Save tweets for later with a handy twitter bot

Save tweets for later with a handy twitter bot

Chad Etzel
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Another thought I just had about this... could this be FB's backdoor inroad into Twitter's real-time news dominance? Notify is basically Dead Simple Twitter.... if you stripped down Twitter for one of its main use-cases (following news/celebrity accounts), this is what it would look like.

Notify by Facebook
Notifications that matter from sources you love

Chad Etzel
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Ah, well... I can only look at this and smile... I built Notifo in 2010 which was essentially the same product of letting consumers receive notifications from any source they wanted (complete with developer API)... - sadly without much traction it died a slow painful death. I like to think it was just ahead of its time. I have a soft spot in my heart for...

Notify by Facebook
Notifications that matter from sources you love

Chad Etzel
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Hi all! Happy to get this out the door and on the store! It was fun to make and it's really fun to play. I'm also really happy with all the sound effects I added. Happy to answer questions!
Here is the gameplay preview video:

Fast-paced visual memory arcade game

Fast-paced visual memory arcade game

Chad Etzel
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Hi all! When I worked at Twitter on the official iOS app I wanted to build a feature like this that would allow people to create bookmarks to their favorite parts of the app. That project never got greenlit, so after I left Twitter I decided to build it myself as a 3rd party app that integrates with the Twitter app (and also Tweetbot).
You can easily create bookmarks to your favorite users,...

Twitter Bookmarks
Create shortcuts to your favorite users/tweets on Twitter

Twitter Bookmarks
Create shortcuts to your favorite users/tweets on Twitter

Chad Etzel
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Hi all. I made this using the new Add To Slack button integration. It's a really quick easy way to share whatever page you're currently reading into your favorite Slack channel(s). Sure, copy-paste works, but why do that when you can be even lazier?

Slack It
A bookmarklet to share links in Slack with one click

Slack It
A bookmarklet to share links in Slack with one click

Chad Etzel
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This was really easy to integrate, nice work @buster !
I made Cat Facts for Slack :)

Slack Button
Easy way for other teams to install your incoming webhooks

Chad Etzel
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Hi all, I've been running for 5 years. It started as an idea at a hackathon; a group of us were sitting around a table and wanted a better way to share links to everyone w/o having to fumble with bitly links or having to know everyone's IM/email address. So, I whipped up ShoutKey as a quick way to share a link verbally using an English word as the slug.
Fast forward 5 years, and...

Share temporary links with a shout

Share temporary links with a shout

Chad Etzel
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Well, this is awesome. In about 5 minutes (after a quick read of the excellent docs) I was able to create an "Intro BCC Button" which I have wanted in Gmail for years and years. It moves the Intro-er from To -> BCC and the Intro-ee from CC -> To and automatically inserts "(XX to BCC)" in the body of the reply. I can't tell you how many times I've had to do this manually and how nice it is...

First usable API to write Gmail Apps for 1B active users

Chad Etzel
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Hi everyone! Blinkenlights is a fun side-project app I made to be able to quickly see the status of anything you can dream up. I am obsessed with blinking status lights on hardware devices, so I used that as inspiration for a status dashboard UI. The app uses an open JSON protocol to drive the lights, and it's defined here: - the app comes with...

A minimal status dashboard app

A minimal status dashboard app