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Jeremiah Johnson
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This is so awesome! I wish this was around when I was in school. This is definitely the future of the classroom. Great job guys!!

Class by Orchrd
An analytics tool for teachers

Jeremiah Johnson
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Awesome idea guys! Well executed too! How long does it usually take for a response from the ask?
Ask by NoteBear
Get the exact notes or tutoring you need⚡️

Jeremiah Johnson
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Love this! I wish this existed when I was in school. Good job!
Buy and sell notes or skills directly

Jeremiah Johnson
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Hi Jason, I'm sorry to here about your experience. We are addressing the PDF issue right now and fixing other bugs. We are submitting an update this week so please stay tuned. @thehashrocket

Viewpost Invoice
Simple, quick and trackable invoicing for free

Jeremiah Johnson
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Hey @obaidr thanks for the feedback. I'm one of the makers of Viewpost Invoice. Support for other countries is on the backlog and EU support should be available 4th quarter this year.

Viewpost Invoice
Simple, quick and trackable invoicing for free

Jeremiah Johnson
left a comment
Wow..I love this!

Techies Project
Comprehensive pictures of people who work in tech

Jeremiah Johnson
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Great talk! Love the open conversation. Let's keep it going.

Upfront Summit 2016 - Diversity in Tech Startups
With Magic, Tristan Walker Beatriz Acevedo & Troy Carter

Jeremiah Johnson
left a comment
ah..YES! Dope!

Mobile Dashboards by Mixpanel
Monitor your key metrics, everywhere you go