Jerod Santo

Jerod Santo

President, Object Lateral, Inc.
17 points
The Changelog #213 – ZEIT, HyperTerm, and now with Guillermo Rauch
The Changelog - GitHub and Google on Public Datasets and BigQuery
The Changelog – A Protocol For Dying with Pieter Hintjens
The Changelog #202: 23 Years of Ruby with Matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
The Changelog #201 – SQLite with Richard Hipp
The Changelog: 197 - The Future of WordPress and Calypso with Matt Mullenweg
The Changelog - #191: Elm and Functional Programming with Richard Feldman
The Changelog - #189: JSON API with Yehuda Katz
The Changelog - 187: Redux, React, and Functional JavaScript with Dan Abramov
The Changelog - 186: Building the Ultimate Hacking Keyboard with László Monda
The Changelog - #181: RethinkDB, Databases, and the Realtime Web With Slava Akhmechet
Changelog 2.0