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  • Jesse Chase

    Jesse Chase

    Product Design @MagicalTome
    192 points
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    Jesse Chase
    Tome’s new storytelling format gives your work the edge it deserves. Build a powerful story with any type of content: live embeds, prototypes, 3D renderings & more. Frictionless drag-and-drop creation lets you focus on your idea and trust Tome with the rest.
    Tome 1.0 + iOS app
    Tome 1.0 + iOS app
    The new storytelling format for work and important ideas
    Jesse Chase
    Tome is a tool for creating stories at work—whether it's about strategy, design, data, or a personal message. Tomes are visual, interactive, connected: easily shared with your team or audience on the web.
    Tome Beta
    Tome Beta
    The storytelling tool for work