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Works wonderfully on mobile. Really enjoy the webpages Apple puts out -- the iMac one a while back was also pretty cool!

Start Something New by Apple
Collection of artworks made with Apple products

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Picked it up a few days ago, excited to read through it 😄

The Pragmatic Programmer
Solid advice and awesome analogies

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An awesome way to grab two sweet stickers! Mail them a letter with a sticker and 50 cents and they'll send you two stickers in return–expect them within 10 days.

Mail us a startup (or hackathon) sticker and get two

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@themsaid This would make a great story, especially since Egypt has such a low dropout rate! If you haven't already, you should definitely write something about your experiences, super interesting :) I love, "If you can't find what you need in a school, leave it and seek for knowledge on your own."
Hit me up on if you end up doing writing 😄 Thanks for commenting!

The Unbeatn Path
Inspiring stories from dropouts

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Yo! I'm Jevin -- worked on The Unbeatn Path 😄
I've found that a lot of dropouts write some sweet stories after leaving school, detailing some pretty insightful thoughts. I thought it'd be cool to create a space for that content.
If you have any suggestions or questions hit me up!

The Unbeatn Path
Inspiring stories from dropouts

The Unbeatn Path
Inspiring stories from dropouts