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Joseph Jude
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Went through the contents. Superb collection related to micro-saas. All in one place. Now I don't have to go through many different places. Thanks @rishabhgarg for making this.

All you need to build bootstrap SaaS at one place

Joseph Jude
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My personal website is:
It has helped me in structured thinking and communication. It currently runs on a custom built software called Olai ( I haven't posted much this year since I have been focused on building Olai.
Do you have a personal website?
Tyler Lastovich
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Joplin is an open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. Evernote notes can be imported, and synchronisation is supported via Nextcloud, Dropbox, OneDrive. The notes are in Markdown format.

Open source note taking & to-do app with sync

One Healthcare Platform for All-Patients,Labs & Doctors

Cherish relationships

Fresh Talent
An evaluation too that helps you hire developers faster

Facebook Bot to know about Indian PM Shri Narendra Modi

Joseph Jude
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From the [reddit]( thread:
After going through a horrible experience myself, I decided to take the opposite approach and build something in a few hours (as an experiment).
- Instead of an entity controlling the money transfer and taking a cut - client + freelancer work directly with each other

Find freelancers through their desks

The game is about bursting different color balloons 🎈

Joseph Jude
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1. See all the posted ‘Blood Requests’ within 10 km radius of his/her current location, along with the contact details of the ‘Requester’.
2. Find all the blood banks within 10 km radius of his/her current location with complete contact details which can be utilized during a medical emergency avoiding any delay.

Save A Life
Discover & donate blood wherever you are & whenever you can

Joseph Jude
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Stork is your SMS assistant making parenting a little bit easier. I wish this is available in India.

Stork - SMS help for parents
Make Parenting A Little Bit Easier

Stork - SMS help for parents
Make Parenting A Little Bit Easier

A chat-based personal assistant app to get more things done

Data diff
it's like git diff for your data

Joseph Jude
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MarsEdit supports almost all the blogging engines out there — Wordpress, Blogger, Expression Engine etc. You can write in rich-text or in HTML; you can write in markdown too. You can preview your article before posting. Great app for bloggers.

The best way to write, preview, & publish your blog from Mac

The best way to write, preview, & publish your blog from Mac

Joseph Jude
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What I like about Bamboo is the Bamboo extension. With it, I'm able to highlight and share from any app (I use Safari and Pocket). They also display highlights by others. So you can decide to read the article by the highlights. Something like kindle highlights for webpages.

The easiest way to save, share and discover web highlights

The easiest way to save, share and discover web highlights