All activity is a reader and feedback management platform that reveals what your readers really think about your book. Share your manuscript securely with real readers, and analyse their feedback and reading data to improve it before publishing.
Find out what your readers really think about your book
Jonas Frid
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Super excited to launch – a platform that reveals what your readers really think about your book.
We let authors and publishers privately share their manuscripts with real readers, and then analyze the feedback and reading data to improve it before publishing.
Find out what your readers really think about your book
Jonas Frid
left a comment
Have you ever wanted to improve your writing without having to put in the required effort? Today is your lucky day. Today, we launch Shakespeare Writer, an AI* powered writing app that lets anyone write like Shakespeare!
Full blog post:
App website:
* Okay, not strictly AI. Got caught in...
Shakespeare Writer
Write like Shakespeare
Have you ever wanted to improve your writing without having to put in the required effort? Today is your lucky day. Today, we launch Shakespeare Writer, an AI powered writing app that lets anyone write like Shakespeare!
Shakespeare Writer
Write like Shakespeare