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Jon Jones
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The only feature I really care about is whether or not I can hide all the podcasts and books they're constantly pushing.
The New Spotify
A fresh look for the Spotify homepage and new features
Jon Jones
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I just discovered Obsidian recently and have become obsessed with it for all my personal and work notes and storage. I'm so glad I found Flight School! This is *EXACTLY* what I was looking for to learn Obsidian's ins and outs with interactive examples and exercises. I'm working through my first lessons now. Great work to all involved. :)
Obsidian Flight School
Get faster using Obsidian
Jon Jones
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Web-based tools like this that require you to upload content to convert give me the creeps. I decided to read their full privacy policy to find out what their data retention policies are, and if there was anything about what to do with copyrighted or trademarked materials. There's some boilerplate in there about giving them the right to modify\assign\whatever, but that's the basic language...
Fast and easy way to vectorize an image online