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Jon Samuelson
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Not available in US. :(

The Swift Lifeā¢
Taylor Swift's personal app to connect directly with fans

Jon Samuelson
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Is there no free trial to check it out?

Create your own doodle video in just 60 seconds

Jon Samuelson
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I can't get the app to work. It wants access to my photos in settings, but isn't showing up, even after a hard restart.

FakeIt For Pokemon Go
Trick your friends into thinking that you found rare Pokemon

Jon Samuelson
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I really like this for having a way to work with students on Chromebooks. I think we could easily generate podcasts and the collaboration feature would allow us to create with classes far away from us. I am definitely testing this out. Thank you.

Your music studio and collaboration tool everywhere

Jon Samuelson
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This looks great. I help students create movies, and this will help streamline the process of always having the same music in their videos. If we don't have time to create in Garage Band, we will definitely use Jukedeck to get some new soundtracks. Thank you.

Jukedeck 2.0
Create unique, royalty-free music for your videos, using AI

Jon Samuelson
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I just shared this out on Twitter and It is a great idea. I work for a school district and it can be a slippery slope with the life cycle of purchasing devices for students. I think Australia has been ahead of the game for a long time with mobile learning. Good luck.

A modular tablet that's powerful, sustainable, and robust

Jon Samuelson
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I love this! Let the TweeTrolling begin. Thank you, I love messing with people and you just made it so much easier.

The Twayback Machine
View your friends' old tweets for fun and trolling

Jon Samuelson
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@ryanholmes was this on Kickstarter a few months ago, and you got taken down because you got funding? Am I remembering that correctly? I think I purchased and the funds weren't taken.

Smart wifi router made for parents of young children

Jon Samuelson
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Looks pretty cool. I subscribed for a kid for my daughter in first grade. Can't wait to see how she likes it.

Junior Explorers
Science education as a service

Jon Samuelson
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Hello, @albertraich is there any news on @getpicker and the update on getting back in to the app store?

Picker for iOS
App discovery for app hunters

Jon Samuelson
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I really like this idea. It crashed when I first connected FB, but worked after starting up again. Is there an easy way for me to connect with people that aren't my FB friends or that I don't text? For my job in schools, this could be a great way to share things I find with busy teachers.

Picker for iOS
App discovery for app hunters

Jon Samuelson
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Just watched the video and it looks nice, congrats. I work for a large school district and I was thinking this would be good for students to build their vocabulary throughout the year. (which we used to just buy pencil and paper versions at the teacher store) Is there a chance we could pilot it out with a 1:1 iPad classroom? I would be happy to give a blog post and some student/teacher feedback.

Word Vault
A simple iOS app to learn new words

Jon Samuelson
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I can't wait to try this app out with some students in my school district. This looks legit. Go Punky Brewster!

Seedling Comic Studio
Create and share your own amazing comic book

Jon Samuelson
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The iPhone app is not available in the US. :(

The FlashSticks App
Helps you pronounce any foreign language word, perfectly

Jon Samuelson
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Just bought and made one. Super easy. Thanks, it is definitely worth 99 cents to have the ability to make quick GIF files.

GIFMaker for Mac
The easiest way to create a GIF on your Mac

Jon Samuelson
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Checked this out today. It looks perfect for sharing a collection of videos from our K-12 film festival. I like how you can embed video from Vimeo. Unfortunately, this will create an extra step to download from YouTube and upload back to Vimeo. I really like how easy and visual it is. Great job!

A single place to share, curate and discover visual content

Jon Samuelson
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This is something simple that I have wanted the ability to do. I have it set up on my Mac and the ability to do it on my phone will be very helpful.

Drop Shot
Save screenshots to Dropbox on your iPhone