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Josef Novak
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This is really nice, tons of components and possibilities and free. Congratulation Jose !

The easiest way to make HTML presentations and long-forms.

Josef Novak
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Interesting idea, I'm just curious if this can be done completely on client side or not

The ultimate URL expander Chrome extension

Josef Novak
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This could be extremely useful during development. Is it able to detect e.g. email field ?

Fake Filler
Chrome & Firefox add-on to fill input fields with dummy data

Josef Novak
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Seems to be promising , let me check ;)

Download any song from SoundCloud

Josef Novak
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Will you reduce the free 5GB limit in the future ?

Understand complex documents faster with AI

Josef Novak
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I wonder too :)

Meta Search
Search your Desktop, Google Drive, Dropbox, Gmail, Evernote.

Josef Novak
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Interesting design and easy to use. I like it.

Simple, fast colour management

Josef Novak
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This is very interesting idea in the DIY world. I like these small gadgets.

Curated DIY electronics projects to your door

Josef Novak
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I don't like to share my email address to get some results. Sorry ;)

Website Downloader
Download source code from any website

Josef Novak
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After pricing tables there is an another great curated list.

Product Pages
Curated directory of the best product pages

Josef Novak
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Nice, any plan to add search features in the near future ? I would like to search for palettes with specific color.
Material @ Colorion
Material design compatible curated color palettes.

Josef Novak
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Ship worldwide ? I have friends in Europe and Asia they would be interested in something like this

Custom Magnets by Sticker Mule
Fastest and easiest way to order custom magnets online

Josef Novak
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little rest for our eyes

Product Dark 2.0
Turn Product Hunt dark for nighttime hunting.

Josef Novak
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Crazy idea man :) congrats!
Angry Birds Star Wars 2
The Force is strong with this one. Get ready for Angry Birds

Josef Novak
left a comment
Seems to be interesting, will try

Word Flip
If you love word games, you'll love this!

Josef Novak
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This is super helpful also for those moving from version 3 to 4 like me :)

Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet
An interactive Bootstrap 4 cheat sheet

Josef Novak
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Interesting idea however you pc must run all the time. Also your uplink must be decent .

Use your home PC as your own personal cloud storage server.

Josef Novak
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This is awesome. I would like to see pre made CSS blocks like this
Platforma Wireframe Kit
The ultimate wireframe kit for prototyping