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Josh Levine
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I was compelled to make this product. I hope you win. Or at least ask some questions.

Hash Hunt
Like Minesweeper, with bitcoin prizes

Josh Levine
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Same issue. Tried sending email to above address, but no joy. Any other ways I can fix my twitter handle on PH?
How can I link a new twitter account to my product hunt account?
Maxim Gavrilovich
Join the discussion

Josh Levine
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Enabling a catch-all address can be problematic since spammers often buckshot thousands of emails to addresses generated by adding common-left-side-of-`@` words to the domain. To control inbound access effectively you want to keep a database of generated email addresses and only let though emails sent to valid ones. Having the database additionally lets you terminate an address if it starts...

Protect IID
Protect your privacy with single-use email addresses

Josh Levine
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Wow! So handy and well implemented! Thanks!
Would be great to have a way to include the diffs in the URL itself (ala to save the whole gist interaction when the diffs are small enough to fit. I realize this limits the version control possibilities, but for something easy like just changing a few colors, could be nice?
UX-wsie, it also took me a minute to figure out that...

Share & preview CSS tweaks instantly

Josh Levine
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Wow, I love that the data to generate the site is not sent to the server that serves the page. This means that the server serves exactly the same page for every generated site. This means that the seed page can be completely cached for massive distributed efficiency. You are effectively offloading the work of serving the tiny site to the web server that hosts the link. Just brilliant and...

Itty bitty
A tool to create websites contained within their own link

Blinks is an new way to get friends to put down their screens and interact face to face. Already over-funded on Kickstarter!
Each game tile is tiny, independent Arduino with 6 RGB display LEDs, 6 IR communication LEDs, and a button. It is a great platform for exploring emergent systems programming.
An open-source board game system with a mind of its own

Product Hunt has seen a lot of Initial Coin Offerings, but none like this. 100 rolls of $1 coins will be paid out on Jan 1, 2018 to whomever comes up with the most creative way to use them. There is no cost to participate and the $2,500.00 cash payout is guaranteed.

A different kind of ICO that pays out real US $1 coins

Josh Levine
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Hmmm... sort of the exact opposite of ! Looks like the polarization of the American electorate is well reflected in the polarization of the Product Hunt lineup!

Make Twitter Great Again
Chrome extension that hides tweets about the 2016 election

Josh Levine
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Wow. I never even knew I needed this.
Would love, love to have an option to include a thumbnail of each site on the list. Thumb could be generated when the onetab is made, with a "refesh thumbs" button or "refesh thumbs every ___" option.

Save 95% memory by converting all your open tabs into a list

Josh Levine
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A hardware solution to a liberal media problem. Seamlessly inject trump into webpages and apps without anything to install. Just connect to the access point, and enjoy more trump! Works on phones, tablets, and desktops.

trumpWAP makes the web great again by adding more trump.

trumpWAP makes the web great again by adding more trump.