Julia Cwynar

Julia Cwynar

Office Manager & Productivity Passionate
41 points
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Julia Cwynar
Julia Cwynar
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Kudos to the team for their hard work!
BOWWE Website Builder
Jedi-level developer to create quality websites 10x faster
Julia Cwynar
Julia Cwynar
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Great idea - using games to teach social and emotional skills. Congrats!
Educational gaming platform, learn social & emotional skills
Julia Cwynar
Julia Cwynar
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This looks like it could be really helpful in boosting sales. Congratulations!
Ovy for Sales
The B2B acceleration platform to convert website users
Julia Cwynar
Julia Cwynar
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This sounds like a great solution to a common problem. Congrats on the launch!
The data platform for modern web applications
Julia Cwynar
Julia Cwynar
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That looks great! Congratulations!
The code runner for PHP