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    Kalesh Kaladharan
    Kalesh Kaladharan
    started a discussion

    How often do you reinvent the wheel?

    I do this a lot. I started programming from very early age. Ten years later I still have the same excitement when I start coding something. And most of the time, rather than looking at the business aspect of projects, I look at how the project can improve my coding skills. And this makes me reinvent everything. I push myself to study a new language or framework for every other project. Me...
    Kalesh Kaladharan
    Kalesh Kaladharan
    left a comment
    I wish if it was available on Catalina😱
    Document your journey in a timelapse video
    Kalesh Kaladharan
    Kalesh Kaladharan
    left a comment
    UI/UX takes away a lot of time from me. Mostly because I do iterate over something infinite times to get it perfect.
    Karol Piwowarczyk
    What skills you miss the most when creating a digital product in a code or no-code way?
    Karol Piwowarczyk
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    Kalesh Kaladharan
    Kalesh Kaladharan
    left a comment
    Perfecting the product before launch. Avoiding this is my biggest battle.
    Ryan Warrener
    Transparency time. What's the biggest thing holding you back?
    Ryan Warrener
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    Kalesh Kaladharan
    Kalesh Kaladharan
    left a comment
    hey@bye.fyi 😁😁😁
    Email at its worst, by Thinko
    Kalesh Kaladharan
    Kalesh Kaladharan
    started a discussion

    Can someone explain to me how product hunting works?

    I've tried googling it, but I am still confused and would like a real conversation on the topic with someone experienced. Most of the products I have seen are hunted by the makers itself. 1. What benefit does a product get, if it is hunted by someone other than the maker? 2. How can I hunt a product? 3. One of the article I read says, it doesn't make any real difference if the product is...