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Everything you need to collect inspiration, take notes and more.
Setup a To-do list, maybe even a vision board. It's up to you. Just don't break anything.

App to collect inspiration, take notes & more

Keedan Punch
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Hi Everyone!
Meet paperd. It's a simple (free) app for creating rich collection spaces. These spaces can be for anything from shopping lists, inspiration for your next renovation, or a to-do list. The possibilities are endless.
Upload images, add links, write to your heart's desire, chuck in a checklist, some dot points, and even a table. We're not going to tell you what to make, so you do...

App to collect inspiration, take notes & more

Keedan Punch
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Hi Everyone!
Docket is a simple application. It is an on-demand web support service for micro-tasks, everyday online business owners may require assistance with.
You simply pay one flat fee per month and receive unlimited “Dockets”. With Docket’s time guarantee, if your task isn’t completed in the timeframe your plan specifies, you receive a cash refund of $50.
Docket is 100% Aussie and for...

Web support with no limits for every business.

Web support with no limits for every business.
For when you need web support to update content, images, setup emails and more. Three simple steps and your ready to rock n' roll. Create, Wait, Celebrate!

Web support with no limits for every business.

Keedan Punch
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Hi everyone! Here's a back story on why we built sondd.
We run a web design agency in Australia and one day found ourselves needing to send quite a large set of files to a client. We jumped onto our computers and went straight to wetransfer, who doesn't. Then we realized that what we needed to send was greater than the free version allowed us. Now, instead of doing what any normal human being...

Send up to 3gb for free to anyone, at anytime.

Need to send something to someone? (I know, vague right). Send up to 3gb for free to anyone at anytime, as many times as you like. Just upload your files, tell us who to send it to and we'll shoot them through a link. It's pretty simple.

Send up to 3gb for free to anyone, at anytime.