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Kenn Costales
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Hey everyone! This is Kenn, and I am the Founder of Mai.
Here's a brief background:
- I've been a marketer for about 10 years, 4 years in the corporate world, and another 6 through my own performance marketing agency, Monolith Growth Consulting.
- I started dabbling with GPT3 in July 2020, and while I saw some products being released at that time, I thought the technology wasn't ready yet. I...

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The Physics of Business Growth
Systemize your Business Growth

Kenn Costales
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Was one of the early adopters of the app. While the summaries are great, it's hard to get truly "hooked" into the product. Enabling the user to build their feed like how Facebook and Twitter did it (i.e. the friends they follow) will help a lot. This can be the productized version of "Twitter Lists" (and better) if executed right.

Zolt App
CliffNotes for the news

Kenn Costales
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I'm totally fresh out of a Rails bootcamp and I'm glad how accessible this is even for me

Rails Speed
Make your Rails app faster than a speeding train!

Rails Speed
Make your Rails app faster than a speeding train!

Hacker News Reads
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Kenn Costales
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This is great for folks beginning to do growth hacking. A great complement to this is: which covers tactics expert like to use (some to the point of making it in their main line of business)

Learn to Growth Hack
The growth hacking course that teaches by doing it.