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Ken Romano
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I'm excited to give this a try. So many companies are debundling their apps, but I really like Uber's approach where their app is a one-stop shop and uses the same feature base for no matter what you want delivered. It also allows them to quickly ramp up quick tests of new products or one-day promotions without having to re-train or acquire users.

On-demand food delivery via Uber, now launching in NYC

Ken Romano
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One of my favorite aspects of this is to report something that you SEE, even if it isn't happening directly to you. And you can do so anonymously if you're hesitant to get involved in the situation. Will certainly reduce the barriers to reporting incidents.

Anonymously report bullying

Anonymously report bullying

Ken Romano
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Used and monitored correctly, something like this can be a great help, particularly at a big organization. Years ago, my former company had a 1.0 version of this where you could send an anonymous email to leadership by filling out a web form. The questions would be answered on the company intranet once a month. Worked really well as a way of making information transparent to folks who weren't...

Anonymous Office Messenger

Ken Romano
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I'm a huge fan of Vox and think they're doing great things with explainer pieces as well as their card stacks. I haven't yet drank the Kool-Aid on Sentences though. The bullet points seem a bit stream of consciousness like it's a running tally of what's new, as opposed to a daily summary of what I need to know. And some days the emails are reallllllly long. But I'll continue giving it a shot.

Vox Sentences Newsletter
Daily summary of the news in an easily digestible format

Ken Romano
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Some additional information via a Forbes interview today. I think it's an interesting approach, particularly this quote: "Many news organizations use their own social media presences to direct people away from those platform and consume content elsewhere – visit their website, listen to their radio program, etc." Naturally so much of the decentralization is done for revenue purposes, but a...

Native journalism for social media by those communities

Ken Romano
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I love the idea behind this since I'm all for any sort of interaction between technology and social good. Until they improve their semantic analysis, they're going to be generating LOTS of false positives, potentially to the point that it will turn off users. If they're targeting millenials, they'd need to understand txt spk, sarcasm, humor, etc. Searching just for keywords won't tell the...

Samaritan's Radar
Scans your Twitter feed and alerts you to cries for help

Ken Romano
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My biggest pet peeve with the new app is the notion of Expertise. I hope there's a little bit more to the algorithm than just "you post a lot about x so you're an expert" (which is what the reviews I've read so far imply). It reminds me of the biggest issue I always had with Klout, and why I would caution customers from using it as a good gauge of influence. Sure, Kim Kardashian has a Klout...

Foursquare 8.0
Learns what you like and leads you to places you love

Ken Romano
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I don't normally get too excited about emoji. But this upcoming app is real and it's spectacular.

Seinfeld Emoji
Seinfeld as emoji (pre-launch)

Seinfeld Emoji
Seinfeld as emoji (pre-launch)

Ken Romano
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I like the positioning comparing it to a dry erase board. Reminds me of communication back in college with your closest friends - how do I know where the party is? There's a note on my dry erase board waiting for me! (Or AIM of course...whoops showing my age here)

Messenger app that works right on the lockscreen

Ken Romano
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Can certainly become a boon from an advertising perspective. Moms (or future moms) are obviously a huge target for CPG companies. This is basically giving advertisers knowledge of when someone is pregnant and they can then "track" the age of the baby. Reminds me of the "How Target Figured Out a Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did" (interesting article despite the click-bait headline)...

A Social Network for Pregnant Women

Your daily newscast

Ken Romano
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I would certainly use this, having experienced the awfulness of business hotel gyms recently. Slight risk of 'gaming' the system though if there aren't checks and balances in place to ensure someone isn't using this as a "membership". This lets someone say "well instead of paying $80 a month, i'll just pay $5 a day, 3 days a week."

Hotel Tonight for gyms

Hotel Tonight for gyms

Copy keys. Solve lockouts.

Ken Romano
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@TomLimongello Cafe Grumpy now within walking distance of my office. Still need to check it out!

Discovery and payment platform for the best local cafes

Ken Romano
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@rrhoover I just tried to post this....why am I not surprised I was beaten to the punch and that you're jelly of the east coast right now!

Discovery and payment platform for the best local cafes

CO Everywhere
Draw on a map and connect to real-time moments