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Torii automates the discovery, spend optimization, operations and compliance of SaaS applications in your organization.

Torii automates the discovery, operations and more in SaaS

Tal Bereznitskey
left a comment
Looks amazing, I hope I'll get a chance to try it out soon 👏

Hack your metabolism & lose weight

Make GitHub Pull Requests better with a file tree view and other UX improvements
- A file tree-view is added next to each Pull Request, just like in your IDE
- Quick links to files and comments
- Highlight the current viewed file while scrolling
This is an open-source community project and is in no way affiliated or endorsed by GitHub.

GitHub Pull Request Tree
Make GitHub Pull Requests better

A curated list of GDPR statements as published by the SaaS vendors

GDPR SaaS Index
A curated list of GDPR statements by SaaS vendors

The Marvel Duel
Which Marvel team will rule them all?