All activity
Kristin Vargas
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cannot download - says the file has a virus and there's no way around it
Professional screen recording made effortless. (100% Free)
Kristin Vargas
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site isn't working
Storyboarding made simple: unleash your creative vision
Kristin Vargas
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your get started buttons go nowhere and the buy now buttons go nowhere
Visual backtesting for Traders and Investors
Kristin Vargas
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this is great but I just tried it on the site in 2 separate sessions and it did not respond with anything after 2 mins of waiting
Pure Chat
100% anonymous, uncensored, unlimited AI chat
Kristin Vargas
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hi, looks like a great product but I cannot even sign up - the verification code never comes
Edit YouTube videos in half the time
Kristin Vargas
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hey I tried the code and it said the code is valid but it doesn't meet the reqs - I tried it on the annual and the monthly so i am not sure what it is useful on?
AI partner to better write, draw & present
Kristin Vargas
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hi, great app! Problems: no way to contact help except for the linkedln links - not on the main site, not inside the app. Also, calendar goes to an error 403 page
AI chatbot for paid bookings & appointments
Kristin Vargas
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hi, there's no support link on the site, but clicking on windows downloads Mac
Open Agent Studio
Build no-code agents to target markets untouched by AI
Kristin Vargas
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hi! this is great! I do have a question though - it says 1st 100 videos are free but when you get into the dashboard it says there's only 1 credit available?
Create viral, faceless videos for your TikTok account
Kristin Vargas
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hi, great product! I am not seeing where it would be free? It starts at $14/m - pls help!
Free electronic signatures to sign documents
Kristin Vargas
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hi I will have to reach out on telegram but your get started button has no action and once you fill out the form nothig happens
High-risk payment gateway for +20% conversion increase
Kristin Vargas
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hi, your "free for 100 users" click here link goes to the video on youtube "Never Gonna Give You Up", and you have "lorum ipsum" o your pricing table. How does one get in with the free for 100 users?
Boost conversions with an engaging inbox experience!
Kristin Vargas
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hi I am not seeing anywehre to put in that code
Build social proof & trust with cool widgets on your site
Kristin Vargas
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hi, this looks great but once you sign up and get in there, there's nothing that you can do. I have a screenshot but cannot post it here
A multi-layered content deck builder
Kristin Vargas
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hi is t here an early access code to use?
Build AI apps that generate text image and more without code
Kristin Vargas
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hi how do we use the coupon? There's nowhere to enter it on the checkout
Vest Builder
Landing pages builder with over 100+ kits
Kristin Vargas
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hi this looks great but I get nothing but errors inside of the platform and cannot create/do anything at all
Splay (beta)
The only truly customizable video player for the web
Kristin Vargas
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trying to use the coupon but says that it does not apply. How am I supposed to use this coupon?
Pikzels AI
World's first AI thumbnail generator
Kristin Vargas
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I cannot access your website for some reason - triggered all of my malware and I can't even get past it. Not sure what is going on with that
All in one platform to launch your productized services