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Kristina Traeger
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Love this approach - existing industry leaders & emerging companies creating the future together :) coming from Europe, i had the privilege to be part of an ed program (although not in CS) where the student's private school tuition was paid for my the company as long as the student worked at the company after graduation with working semesters throughout the year. Win-win!

Make School Bachelor's Degree in Applied Computer Science
A radical new model of college designed for the 21st century

Kristina Traeger
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EXACTLY what i was waiting for! Just got a white pair <3

Air by crazybaby
Acoustically stunning wireless in-ear headphones

Kristina Traeger
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i love love love this! Tho, i wish i could text a download link to my phone, directly from the landing page :)
Tribe 1.0
Walkie-talkie re-invented

Kristina Traeger
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This is awesome!! Thanks for making the world a better place! We're so busy with our own dreams and lives and creating "products people love" that we forget about building products that people really need. All the best to you Shaffi! And team <3

One global emergency response network

Kristina Traeger
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Hey! That's awesome, I recently talked about this with my friends - no dating app focused on the first moment you see someone in real life. It's the one second that decides if the effort (matching,texting,set date/time) you've put into this was worth the risk/opportunity cost of not working on stuff/seeing friends or at least an hour (I'm nice) haha. Now one q - how does the matching work?

Dating app with no photos, no bios, no names until you match

Kristina Traeger
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This is amazing! And great to see another idea from our Negev community came to life :) I've been interested in buying bitcoin since forever but didn't really know how to start and all that, so i just never really did it :) I just had a hard time to find the app in the app store since there are so many of them with the same name, i would a) change your app's name from just "lawnmower" to...

Convert your spare change into Bitcoin

Kristina Traeger
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can i has one for my actual desk too plz (:
Click a button to hide all the desktop icons on your Mac

Kristina Traeger
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umm, can't find you in Appstore? Lo or Lo-yo doesn't lead me to your app. Any tag or tagline i can use?

Ask and answer "Where you at?" with one tap.

Kristina Traeger
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@rrhoover you can also add our CEO Soujanya @3000ecr to join the convo :)

BeamIt (Cooliris)
Photo-based messaging app developed by Cooliris

Kristina Traeger
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Our team did an incredible job during the last months to create something amazing, that we call 'Visual messaging', enabling media-rich communication in private groups. Check out our video too!

BeamIt (Cooliris)
Photo-based messaging app developed by Cooliris