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Connect our tool to your Jira projects — and we'll provide your Product Rankings helping bring products to the market faster and decrease the cost of a mistake.
To do so we use our Product Portfolio Assessment Methodology based on NPV and product risks.
Portfolio Prioritization
Jira plugin to accelerate your time to market

Ksenia Solomatina
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Hey guys!
We're working on a Jira plugin to allow companies to reduce the cost of a product discovery mistake, in order to bring products to market faster.
In fact, it takes 1.5 hours a day from a Chief Product Officer to get a helicopter view on all products and features, costing around $30,000-50,000 a year. In addition, it slows down a product team resulting in $4.3M for a company of...
Portfolio Prioritization
Jira plugin to accelerate your time to market