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Kuntal Go
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Top 10 Features I Love About the Capacities Mobile App 🚀
1️⃣ Responsive Experience: The app is highly responsive, user-friendly, and intuitive. Swipe gestures for navigating between the left side panel, Page/Object Content, and Search provide well-defined access to all essential tools. 🌟
2️⃣ AI Integration: AI is seamlessly integrated into the app, making it accessible anytime and anywhere. 🤖

Capacities Mobile App
Your on the go note-taking companion

Kuntal Go
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Congratulations @philipp_stelzel on the launch of your amazing SEO bundle! 🍾
I personally used the SEO Compass and can vouch for its quality - it adds massive value to content creation flow.
I want to take the opportunity to highlight my top 5 favourite features in your brilliantly made "SEO COMPASS":
1. Separate filtered database view for solely writing content helped me create...

SEO Bundle
SEO products for Notion

Kuntal Go
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@simon_last Thank you for this amazing tool. Timeline/Gantt really makes deadline a visual element of the system. Allowing Timeline view up to Hour level is very helpful for day planning.
Entries in table rows should be parallel with their timeline position. But currently, longer entries in tables are showing double lines whereas the timeline corresponding entries are not...

Notion Timeline
Plot all your projects chronologically