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Laura M
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Cybersecurity marketers/product teams/researchers have a problem.
It's really hard to:
- Find reliable information online.
- Share your findings directly with your peers.
Ever tried to find recent statistics and vendor research via Google (or any other search engine)?
Info from the results page might seem relevant. But click on a hyperlinked stat in a top ranked article or blog and the link...

A free cyber security research database

Statrpack is designed to help marketing and product teams get straight to the source and stay up to date with infosecurity space. It's also a place where you can submit and share your organization's research directly with your peers.

A free cyber security research database

Laura M
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This is really cool. Although I now mostly do my grocery shopping online, saving this for the future.

Reorder grocery list by optimal store layout

Laura M
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This is genius haha
Dead Startup Toys
Toy versions of failed startups like Juicero and Theranos

Laura M
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The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs!
What non-fiction book do you read at the moment and recommend to read to be trend-updated)?
Sasha Briu
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Laura M
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I read:
Morning Brew
The Skimm
The Newsletter
I also read my own newsletter when it comes out haha -- Project Adulthood (tips on how to adult!)(
Which are some of the newsletter that you read regularly? (Any Recommendations)
Ujjwal sukheja
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Ever feel like two kids in a trench coat pretending to be an adult? You're not the only one. Project Adulthood is a weekly newsletter with tips and tricks on how to be a grown up, covering everything from budgeting to cooking to investing. 🎉

Project Adulthood
Weekly newsletter with tips & tricks to being a better adult

Laura M
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Hey guys. Adulting can be hard. When I was in college, I lacked a lot of basic skills, including how to cook (unless you count plain pasta) and even put on the washing machine (yep 😱). I have learned a lot along the way but I haven't forgotten that feeling.
If any of you (or someone you know) would like to learn how to be an *adult* in a digestible (weekly) format, please feel free to...

Project Adulthood
Weekly newsletter with tips & tricks to being a better adult

Laura M
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Oh my god I need this.

Desktop app to monitor posture and remind you to sit up!

Laura M
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This is so unique! This might be silly but I feel like it could really help with anxiety -- both something to do when you're feeling anxious and also something familiar (your own objects) in front of you (if you're in an unfamiliar environment).

Liven up your home page by adding little pixel-art objects