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    Laurits Just
    Laurits Just
    left a comment
    A game changer for the industry! Well done team.
    Flippa Data Insights
    Flippa Data Insights
    Discover real-time sales multiples, M&A data & buyer intent.
    Laurits Just
    Laurits Just
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    Whatever your plan is, BitsForDigits.com makes any exit possible.
    Christian Canlubo 🚀
    What is your exit plan?
    Christian Canlubo 🚀
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    Laurits Just
    BitsForDigits is an up-market acquisition platform for $100K+ revenue startups. Our global marketplace makes it free and anonymous for business owners to attract full and partial acquisition offers directly. No listing fees. 100% anonymity.
    BitsForDigits 3.0
    Startup acquisition marketplace for $100K-50M revenue SMBs
    Laurits Just
    Laurits Just
    left a comment
    Love this!! Congrats
    PriceWell Bubble Plugin for Stripe
    No fuss, no-code Stripe subscriptions for Bubble apps
    Laurits Just
    BitsForDigits is an acquisition marketplace for $100K+ revenue internet startups.

    We make it anonymous & free for owners to attract full & partial acquisition offers from verified acquirers.

    List your business & get in front of 1,000+ buyers on the platform
    BitsForDigits 2.0
    Acquisition marketplace for profitable internet businesses
    Laurits Just
    Laurits Just
    left a comment
    Keep up the good work Evan! Rooting for you.
    Notion Training Center
    Notion Training Center
    Turn your Notion workspace into a training center
    Laurits Just
    Laurits Just
    left a comment
    Best of luck today!
    Venture Capital Tool Stack
    Tools & resources for VC investors
    Laurits Just
    BitsForDigits is the world’s #1 partial buyout marketplace. We make it anonymous, easy and free for founders to sell minority and majority stakes to professional investors.
    List your business today to get offers from the +100 investors already on the platform!
    A partial buyout marketplace free for bootstrapped founders
    Laurits Just
    Laurits Just
    left a comment
    This is a powerful tool for the no-code community! Great work team and congrats on your launch!!
    Directus 9
    Instant no-code app and dynamic API for any SQL database
    Laurits Just
    Laurits Just
    left a comment
    Pretty sweet product guys! Congrats on the launch
    Actually read articles saved for later
    Laurits Just
    Laurits Just
    left a comment
    Congrats on the launch @sangmin_lee1
    AI camera & modular robot arm for makers