Engage with your users and make sure their voice is heard with these two new products. Ask them questions, respond to their ratings, host a discussion board for requests, and most importantly, prioritize your product roadmap based on accurate user feedback.
Learn more about surveys and feature requests here.

Scoot is your shortcut to everywhere in the city. Grab one of our electric motor scooters using the app and activate it with your iPhone. You can ride it wherever you want in San Francisco and drop it off at any other Scoot location. The Scoot app unlocks your scoot and serves as your GPS and dashboard while you ride. Scoots plug into any wall outlet to recharge. No motorcycle license needed. Helmet included.
You must join Scoot and take a lesson (video or in-person) to use this app. You must be 21 years or older, have a clean and valid US driver's license, and live or work near San Francisco in order to join.