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Start hiring today with Conversa, starting at just $99 per role. We help you find the top 1% of candidates quickly, so you can focus on building your team without all the resume sorting. Simple, affordable, and effective. Get started now!

The most accurate talent screening engine

Malinda Coler
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Dear Job Seekers and Hiring Leaders,
Job Search Toolkit helps top performers from Tech or anywhere connect with recruiters and leaders. We created it because brilliant people are constantly rejected by the hiring process.
๐ 100+ women and poc went from rejected to hired. Hawley was a Sales leader at a gym. No one in Tech would interview her. She used our job search process. In 10 weeks she...

Job Search Toolkits
The best free job search and career toolkits + 4-week cohort

Get hired in tech with the best, proven tools, apps, and templates in one place! Sign up today and you can also get a free pass to our LIVE, 4-week advanced job search program that starts Monday, 2/27!! Roadmap tools and programs WORK.

Job Search Toolkits
The best free job search and career toolkits + 4-week cohort

Malinda Coler
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Got Resume or Job Search Questions? AMA!

The Resume Game
Land interviews, play the game, 1-2-3 steps to get hired

Malinda Coler
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Yes! Take our job titles quiz to find out what roles you qualify for in Tech. Designed for people pivoting careers, built by ChatGPT to help everyone land a job, whether they have 0 or 10+ years experience in Tech:
Are you building on ChatGPT, GPT3 or Dall-E, do share your projects!
Ankur Singh
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Malinda Coler
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Me! :) Right now:
Who all are launching their Products this week?
Sneha Nair
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Does your Resume have what it takes to land interviews? Play The Resume Game to find out! Roadmap members go from zero interviews to 2+ a week within 3 weeks. Learn the 1-2-3 strategy to get hired in Tech whether you have 0 or 10+ years experience.

The Resume Game
Land interviews, play the game, 1-2-3 steps to get hired

Malinda Coler
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People drastically overthink and overspend on Resumes, and for good reason. Resume is one small but critical piece of career advancement. We reverse-engineered the hiring process using our 10+ years hiring in Tech + the experiences of 7k job seekers to bring you the easiest 1-2-3 resume strategy in a fun and rather addictive game.
Your Resume must answer 3 questions in 5-seconds:
1. What role...

The Resume Game
Land interviews, play the game, 1-2-3 steps to get hired

Malinda Coler
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Meet the tools that help you land a job 5x faster in New Job Accelerator:
๐ฅ Three actions to take on LinkedIn every week to 5x your network and get referrals in Tech!
๐ฅ Job Titles: Discover jobs you qualify for in Tech without upskilling
๐ฅ The Resume Game: Find out if your Resume answers the top 3 questions that get you to the...

New Job Accelerator - 8 Weeks to New Job
Land your next tech job with ChatGPT

Malinda Coler
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This program mirrors work life in Tech. If you were laidoff or are feeling isolated in job search mode, join us. Cohort meetings, Slack, deliverables and tasks, team meetings, workshops, hiring mixers and more all week long, so that when your job is to find a job, you have a team.

New Job Accelerator - 8 Weeks to New Job
Land your next tech job with ChatGPT

Land a better job in our 8 week accelerator. AI builds your job search Roadmap. You conduct your search in an inspiring community. Resume + LinkedIn optimized for Tech. Get referrals, ace interviews, land offers 5x faster.

New Job Accelerator - 8 Weeks to New Job
Land your next tech job with ChatGPT

Malinda Coler
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We built this because there is a big misconception about the role of Resumes for building a career:
๐ฌ I failed the interview. What's wrong with my Resume?
๐ก Resumes help you land Interviews, they do not help you ace interviews. If you get to the Interview and you don't move forward, it's time to work on your Interview skills. We are providing this Custom Career Roadmap so that you can focus on...

My Career Roadmap
Expert-crafted career assets to speed up your job search

Fast-track your job search: get Roadmap experts to update your career assets for you! Your Custom Career Roadmap includes your Industry-Standard Resume, Transferable Job Titles, Top 5 Key Results, and Personal Narrative to help you get hired.

My Career Roadmap
Expert-crafted career assets to speed up your job search

Get the feedback recruiters aren't giving you, so you can improve and get hired! Job searching alone is frustrating, especially when you're getting ghosted and don't know why. Get unlimited personal job search feedback at weekly workshops and Office Hours.

Roadmap Live Feedback
Get job search feedback that recruiters aren't giving you

Malinda Coler
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This tool-kit was designed to create new opportunities, hope, and resources during the most difficult times in career, and are used by over 5k people to land jobs, raises, and promotions.
๐ Carla C. Whyte used these tools to pivot from her 10+ year career in teaching to Customer Experience at a startup with a 25% salary increase in ten weeks. Read about her experience:

Laid Off Toolkit
All the best career tools & apps to get hired faster, free

A constantly updating collection of the best free tools, apps, websites, and resources to help job-seekers go from laid-off to landing great offers, faster.

Laid Off Toolkit
All the best career tools & apps to get hired faster, free

Malinda Coler
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I am so excited about this Tool Kit, especially The Resume Game --> upload you resume, review someone else's resume and get feedback on your own. The game uses structured questions that recruiters look for when they review a resume like, "What role would I hire this person for?" to mitigate bias and provide direct and structured feedback. So helpful!

Laid Off Toolkit
Database of free tools that help job seekers get hired

๐ฅ The Laid Off Toolkit is a collection of the best free apps, sites, and resources that help job-seekers go from laid off to landing offers. ๐ค If your company wants to hire our top tech candidates, go here:

Laid Off Toolkit
Database of free tools that help job seekers get hired

Malinda Coler
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3 months? Wow, thatโs fantastic!
There are 12+ factors for SEO - what are your SEO priorities?
Malinda Coler
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