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    Manpreet Singh
    Manpreet Singh
    left a comment
    I have only posted once, and it was quite last minute, now that I think about it, it should have been prepared 🙃
    Business Marketing with Nika
    Do you prepare your PH discussion content in advance? (My take on it)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    Join the discussion
    Manpreet Singh
    Manpreet Singh
    started a discussion

    Should i make my SaaS Paid or keep it Free?

    Working on https://www.tabrizz.com, I am building another feature, user analytics i.e. how many users came back to the website after leaving it. Should I make it a Paid feature? Suggest the features you'd like to have. ✨
    Manpreet Singh
    TabRizz is an open-source, Free to use Saas application that can help you grow user traffic on your website using Emojis. Select Emojis and generate a Script tag, Insert the tag into your website and that's it. You have Emojis on your website!!
    Bring back lost users on your website with Emojis
    Manpreet Singh
    Mad Ad is an AI tool that can generate high-quality, theme-based Awesome product images from camera click images. With the full potential of Mad Ad, users can get Insta-worthy Product images to show off customers.
    Mad Ad
    Mad Ad
    Generate Mad Ad of products from just camera clicks
    Manpreet Singh
    Manpreet Singh
    left a comment
    What do you think of Mad Ad ????
    Mad Ad
    Mad Ad
    Generate Mad Ad of products from just camera clicks