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Too excited to wait for the next Trump press conference? Experience a fully accurate simulation right now!

Ask Trump
A press conference simulator

Marc Balaban
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I've been watching a lot of trump press conferences as of late, and noticed how polarizing his responses are.
I decided to start researching the way he answers questions -- came across this:
and decided... this could be fun to make.

Ask Trump
A press conference simulator

Marc Balaban
left a comment
Love this. I've thought about making the exact same app.
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A meditation experience that synchronizes your breath with hundreds of people across the world
- Daily reminders to join your group meditation
- Designed for simplicity; connect in seconds
- Develops foundational meditation habits
- Original Music/Sound FX

Connected Breath
A 60-second group meditation experience

Marc Balaban
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Hey All,
I wanted to make another meditation tool to follow-up my project from a few years back: pixel thoughts (
I love the feeling of group meditation: people intentionally slowing down to breathe together. I wanted to make that feeling accessible at any given moment throughout the day -- so the outcome of that ideation was Connected...

Connected Breath
A 60-second group meditation experience

Pixel Thoughts is your meditation web space. If you experience any sort of anxiety, stress or depression, you can type your worries inside the moon and watch them fly away for 60 seconds surrounded by a relaxing music and background. Release the stress and clear your mind for a healthy life.

Pixel Thoughts
60 second meditation tool to clear your mind