Mark Lubkowitz

Mark Lubkowitz

Software Engineer and Journalist
22 points
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Mark Lubkowitz
Datatransfer extracts, transforms, loads, syncs, and merges different database systems and data formats. It's implemented in .NET and runs from the command line, differentiating it from commercial ETL tools.
Extract, transform, load, sync, merge databases and formats.
Mark Lubkowitz
Vaccination is necessary to control the corona pandemic and save lives. VaccinateJS is a statement you as a developer can make. Install, star, watch or contribute to this package and spread the word.
Vaccinate against Corona. Set a sign. Get the booster.
Mark Lubkowitz
Mark Lubkowitz
left a comment
Finding the first persons that spread the word and influence others.
Product Hunt
Community builders, what's one struggle you face when building a community?
Mark Lubkowitz
Mark Lubkowitz
left a comment
These guys found a clever way to sniff passwords for wifis.
My WiFi Sign
My WiFi Sign
Quickly create a sign with your WiFi credentials.
Mark Lubkowitz
Mark Lubkowitz
left a comment
Someone really needs this?
Border Radius
Border Radius
Generates all the CSS code for your border-radius needs
Mark Lubkowitz
Holmes is a Python library that extracts information from texts based on predicate logic. It analyses the semantic relationships expressed by the component parts of each sentence. Use cases: chatbots, structural and topic matching, supervised classification.
Predicate-logic based information extraction for en/de text
Mark Lubkowitz
The catalogue intended for use when you wish to obtain a list of methods that would be appropriate for a specific use case or when you wish to find out about a specific technique that is mentioned in an article, program or lecture.
Machine Learning Catalogue
Machine Learning Catalogue
Learn about the basic building blocks of machine learning.
Mark Lubkowitz

GraphQL I/O is a network framework for real-time communication in client- and server-side Javascript. It allows nearly instant updates between clients and servers, nevertheless generating almost none load on the network. It's based on Facebooks GraphQL, a client-directed query framework, and uses websockets for communication.

GraphQL I/O
GraphQL I/O
Real-time network communication framework for Javascript.