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Mary Palfray-Fabro
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@delk Thanks for doing your share to save our planet! This is a pretty obvious and clever way to reduce our carbon footprint. Even if renting is costing me the same, if I know I will only need that tile cutter for one project, why not renting it from my neighbor? My question, like many others, is about insurance or if product is not returned at all. But love the concept for sure.

Omni Rentals
Earn $ on stuff you own. Get access to everything you don't.

Mary Palfray-Fabro
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Great app @vivekmgeorge and @adriangrant. Just don't know how to get my social network to adopt it. It's another chicken and the egg conundrum. I live in Virginia and it seems no one has found out about this app yet which makes its benefits limited for the early users.
Once it takes off though, it will be an neat tool.

The Pocket of restaurants, bars and cafes

Mary Palfray-Fabro
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Thanks @bramk I love the idea but 400 products? Working for a startup, I really don't have that kind of time so would it be great to tell me the top 1 in each category?!

Startup Stash
A curated directory of 400 resources & tools for startups

Mary Palfray-Fabro
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Doesn't that concept already exist 10 times over? How different are you to what already is out there? (Not meant in a mean way, just really curious why I should download that app when the 10 previous ones have failed me).

Skorch 2.0
Skorch shows you the hottest places, right now.

The Ultimate Shopping companion

Mary Palfray-Fabro
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Great, can you make it a sunscreen with only good ingredients? Paraben and oxybenzones are just the very tip of the iceberg of all the toxic chemicals found in sunscreens. If you go to, you get an idea of all hundreds of different sunscreens on this planet and the handful that actually rates as 1. Even the Honest sunscreen rates as a 3. As a mom, it is really hard...

Hint Sunscreen
Sunscreen with a fruit-filling scent ☀️

Mary Palfray-Fabro
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I would have loved this when I moved to this country. At the time, the only way to build credit was to buy a car with a 17% APR!??!?

A simple, no-fee credit card

Mary Palfray-Fabro
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It's nothing I wasn't able to figure out myself (granted, it was taking me a whole lot of time). I am just wondering how efficient those emails are going to be when the receiver is bombarded with them.

Find all the email addresses related to a domain

Mary Palfray-Fabro
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Seems like there are already plenty of such tools on the market so it might be hard to find your space but I love the quality of the free template and designs.
Pros: Great looking template. Seem very easy to use.
Cons: Some small minor issues *might be user error though*
Add animation to your content easily.

Mary Palfray-Fabro
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Hey @deapubhi, great product and very neat video. Value for business is pretty obvious after watching it. How are you doing a year later?

Beautiful restaurant websites with a single click