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Matt Michel
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This looks fantastic! I just finished creating a notifications micro-service for the startup I work for and this would have saved me so much time. The only other thing I would need is an Expo integration to use the React Native SDK in Expo, but to also send push notifications through the Expo-Notifications plugin. Overall, this looks amazing and very easy to use.
Setup notification infrastructure for all channels in 1 day

Matt Michel
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I attempted to purchase a subscription. I was charged but the dashboard showed I still have not subscribed, and I have no way of unsubscribing. I contacted the company and no response TWICE. Do not purchase this product until they fix this issue.

Reach your ideal customers with targeted custom audiences

Matt Michel
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This looks awesome! If you're charging $5 a month (I'd imagine through stripe or something similar) I could lower your fee from 2.9% + $0.30 to just 5% flat. You could add some significant profit back for each subscription.

Bookmark online audio and podcasts to listen to later

Matt Michel
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I love this! I was actually thinking of adding scribbles to my design a while back but never had the design skills to do it so this would be super helpful! It looks like gumroad is charging you like 9% + the $0.30 fee. I can lower it to 5% flat if you want to make a little more from each purchase.
Funky Scribbbles
A collection of funky scribbbles for your design projects

Matt Michel
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I love dark mode chrome extensions! Super useful and super easy to use. Well done!

Dark Mode For Medium
This will reduce your eye strain

Matt Michel
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Really neat idea! $99 seems a little steep to pay on a yearly basis. Have you thought about a monthly alternative?

Get deals for breathtaking trips right in your inbox

Matt Michel
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What do you think about implementing a "pay-per-view" pricing model? Almost like offering a way for your content creators to request a micropayment before someone can access their content?

A YouTube alternative for small creators

Matt Michel
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Do you think it would be profitable to offer subscription plans less than $9.99 or offer a "pay-as-you-go" pricing model?

Validate email addresses and avoid bounces

Matt Michel
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This seems really neat. Mind if I test it out?

End unproductive meetings

Matt Michel
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Hey this looks really neat! Can I test it out?

Easily track your stocks, crypto and other assets

Ever posted your project to Reddit hoping it sticks? r/SideProject sound familiar? Yeah I tried it too. It didn't work. Instead, take the time to make connections, and you'll gain invaluable feedback, community, and, well... users! Do all that on betaForBeta.

Follow for follow? Beta for beta - early stage beta testing.

Matt Michel
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I've built so many projects in the hopes that one of them would become an overnight success. After too painfully long, I started to realize that I was doing something wrong. How did other people launch products with such success immediately? THAT is where I was wrong. It wasn't immediate, and it reminded me of the famous quote by Y-Combinator's co-founder, Paul Graham.
"Do things that don't...

Follow for follow? Beta for beta - early stage beta testing.

Matt Michel
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Thanks for viewing my first Product Hunt product! I built in just a couple days to practice some of the development skills I've been learning over the past year, namely ReactJS and AWS.
Upvotes would be much appreciated, and make sure to drop a comment to let me know what you think of the Expensive Button!

The Expensive Button
Clicks are free, but the highest bidder controls the button.

The Expensive Button was created to be a highly influential marketing tool that drives traffic to the button owner's website of choice. If you've paid the most for the button, enjoy the traffic for 24 hours, or until someone else pays more than you did.

The Expensive Button
Clicks are free, but the highest bidder controls the button.