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Matt Danna
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Such an great database and awesome culmination of all your hard work over the years of podcasts. Will be spending a lot of time digging into it through out the next few days. Congrats, @nathanlatka!
Latka SaaS Database
SaaS company growth, customer counts, churn, ARR & more

Matt Danna
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Haha. I'm intrigued that there's an 11% chance for hair stylists yet 80% for barbers.
I think we're pretty far off from robot haircuts...
Will Robots Take My Job?
Find out how susceptible is your job to computerization

Matt Danna
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I love Five Four! Been a member for a couple years and I'm constantly impressed with the quality and style of the clothing. Highly recommend.

Five Four Club
A curated wardrobe for every season, delivered to your door

Matt Danna
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One of the highest quality icon sets I've seen so far. I like that you're sticking to solids - while outline icons look hot on Dribbble shots, the cognitive load is too high. That said, I would love to see how they fare at a lower size (16px and 24px) as well as some additional icons before forking over $200 bucks though.

256 Icons for $200

Matt Danna
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This is awesome! I'll definitely be trying this out for my next responsive design / adaptive layout project.
I remember salivating over a tool like this that @joshpuckett conceptualized in a Medium post: Glad it came to life!

Fluid for Sketch
Sketch plugin to make your responsive designs more efficient