Matthew James Taylor

Matthew James Taylor

Artist, Web Developer, Entrepreneur
5 points
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Matthew James Taylor
Find a local babysitter, pet sitter, or dog walker for free, or create a profile and apply for childcare and pet jobs in your neighborhood.
A Free Marketplace For Local Childcare & Pet Services
Matthew James Taylor
Define columns at mobile, tablet, and desktop breakpoints with simple data-attributes: data-sm="1column" data-md="2column" data-lg="4column". <1kb of CSS!
Responsive Attributes
Responsive Attributes
Generate CSS Grid Layouts With Simple HTML
Matthew James Taylor
The Responsive Columns layout system allows for rapid development of responsive layouts. It uses tiny custom HTML tags that are simple to remember. Columns are nestable, stackable, and compatible with semantic HTML tags. Only 5.9k minified and gzipped.
Responsive Columns Layout System
Responsive Columns Layout System
Easily build responsive layouts with custom HTML tags
Matthew James Taylor
It's so simple to create babysitting flyers:
1. Choose a template.
2. Customize your design.
3. Download and print your PDF flyer.
Create as many flyers as you like, it's free!
Babysitting Flyer Generator by Kidsit
Babysitting Flyer Generator by Kidsit
Create custom babysitting flyers in minutes!