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Merge your résumé of skills, portfolio of projects and blog content into a social profile you can share and grow an audience around. Businesses can search your data-rich profile and contact you about jobs that match your needs e.g. salary and time commitment.

The portfolio and recruitment platform for IT professionals

Matt Kingshott
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Hey everyone 👋🏻
I’m thrilled to finally announce the launch of Lumeno!
Lumeno is the solution to the fragmented eco-system of apps and services that the modern IT professional has to bundle together in order to maintain a career-focused web profile. It allows you to merge and share your résumé of skills, your education & employment history, your portfolio of projects and your written...

The portfolio and recruitment platform for IT professionals

Matt Kingshott
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Congratulations @philo01 on launching Unlock!
I've been following its development for a while and I genuinely think it is a fantastic product you've put together. I wish you every success with it!

Cloud-based billing, licensing & distribution for devs

Matt Kingshott
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Hey there makers and hunters 👋
Crest is the solution for Etsy sellers seeking deep insight into their customers. Thanks to its geolocation processing, Crest is able to index your orders and group them by country, state or province, city, and even district. It's now possible to ask questions like "what's my most popular listing in New York", or "how much revenue have I made from London?".

The ultimate Etsy assistant

Crest combines location-based customer analytics with real-time listing SEO. Discover vital sales insight, set growth targets, forecast future activity, track order markets, generate video content, and more! Use CRESTDISCOUNT10 for 10% off your first month.

The ultimate Etsy assistant

Matt Kingshott
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I would never consider using anything else after Tailwind, it's that good!
Pros: The easiest and fastest way to style your site / application
Cons: None as such. However, those wanting a full UI kit might prefer alternatives.

Tailwind CSS v1.0
A utility-first CSS framework for building custom designs.

Matt Kingshott
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I used to be like many other developers… skipping over the all-important monitoring of production servers due to the complexity of monitoring tools or their insane pricing models. That’s why I designed Pulse. Unlike other platforms, it’s focused on the developer, not the DevOps administrator - you don’t need to be a Linux expert in order to use it.
The UI is simple and straightforward,...

A simple tool to monitor your servers and sites

Pulse is a friendly, developer-focused monitoring solution for your sites and Linux servers. It provides painless log analysis, a full API suite, and supports alerts via email, SMS, Slack, Discord & webhooks.

A simple tool to monitor your servers and sites

Matt Kingshott
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Hi Everyone!
I’m thrilled today to launch Bashee, a simple, but comprehensive answer to the nightmare of script-based cron jobs.
Instead of having different versions of shell scripts on different servers, each with customized content, Bashee allows you to centralize your scripts in a single place. You are then able to pair these scripts with tasks, which run on one or many servers over SSH....

Powerful shell script and cron task management

Bashee helps you manage your cron jobs by centralizing your shell scripts & tasks and allowing you to run them on one or more servers over SSH. It also features built-in logging & notifications over email, slack, sms and webhooks.

Powerful shell script and cron task management