Maxime Bétrisey

Maxime Bétrisey

Webcomponent lover. Dev experience first
4 points


Hi there! I'm Maxime, a developer who really loves using structured languages like TypeScript and C#. I believe they make coding more efficient and powerful, so I always try to use them in my projects. In 2015, I founded Cobwebsite, an innovative company focused on pushing the boundaries of web development. Cobwebsite serves as a platform for exploring new technologies, creating unique solutions, and delivering exceptional experiences to clients and users alike.


Indie maker at Cobwebsite


Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • AventusJs
    AventusJs: Powering simplicity in web components
    Mar 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntMarch 10th, 2024