Maxwell White

Founder. Builder of fun things.
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Instantly Create Interactive Quizzes From Your Notes. Using AI, we simplify the studying process, track your progression, and allow you to stay organized by classes. Use your notes to ensure you succeed in the next quiz or test.
Instantly create interactive quizzes from your notes
Get the most out of your workouts with our quick and easy tracker. With a daily, weekly, monthly, and all-time leader board, we've made it easy to keep you motivated. With ProgressiveLift, there's no excuse to not hit your goals.
Simple workout tracker with a competitive twist
A fast and easy way to find your next show or movie. It's really that simple. Just a few filters need input then BAM, you've got 5 random shows or movies in seconds.
Binge Buddy
Binge Buddy
Find your next movie or show in seconds