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Max Wood
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I thought I'd check this out and began building my profile but forcing users to invite 5 people before you will approve it is a joke.
A new kind of professional network

Font Bundles
The very best premium fonts in a bundle for 97% off

Max Wood
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Hey Tim,
Apologies that this probably isn't the place to ask but I'd be foolish to pass up the opportunity. Myself and some friends have been working on a small project based on the content subscription model you've mentioned numerous times. You're an impossible man to get hold of (and rightly so) but I'd really love to hear your thoughts on it.
How on Earth do I do that?

Tim Ferriss Experiment
Tim Ferriss' new digital series "Mythbusters meets Jackass"

Max Wood
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Anyone actually read this? Thoughts?

Stop Thinking Like A Freelancer
Stop thinking like a freelancer

Max Wood
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Love the idea. I'd use this to recap books I've already read. Some of the points aren't too meaningful without the books which is fine but perhaps we could get page numbers for each point also?

Cliffs Notes for startup books + resources

Max Wood
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I like the idea, I'll probably pick this up at some point. I tend to find that my writing is always very similar so I think it'd be cool if writefull was constantly assessing what I was writing and offering me multiple ways to say things.

A tiny tool to help you write better

Max Wood
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I've pledged $5 - just to ask a few questions. I'm more interested in the development kit but there's so little information and the images are contradictory about the actual size of the box.
I'm wondering how powerful a single box it, what the final size will be, what documentation is provided, etcetc.

Hendo Hoverboard
World's first REAL hoverboard (pre-launch)

Max Wood
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I like the idea but I'm not going to login just to load more content..

Closed Club
Browse shut-down start-ups & learn why they closed down

Max Wood
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Super slick webiste, I love this page

Squarespace 7
The easiest, most powerful Squarespace ever

Max Wood
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This is neat. I wish I was still a student!

GitHub Student Developer Pack
The best developer tools, free for students.

Max Wood
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Hey @ryanholiday, how's it going? I really enjoyed the original book and thought it was a great introduction to growth hacking and startup culture. I'm going to recommend it to a couple of guys who I'm working with to make sure we're all on the same page. (no pun intended)
My question is, what do I have to look forward to in the expanded version?

Growth Hacker Marketing
Ryan Holiday's book, re-released and expanded