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Welcome to Macintosh - Season 3 Kickstarter
Help fund production of Welcome to Macintosh Season 3

Mark Bramhill
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Huge update to a great app! Fresh ideas, brilliantly implemented. Try it out!

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Welcome to Macintosh - The Shimmy
The story of how a Jonathan Mann made Steve Jobs dance

Mark Bramhill
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This episode is a personal favorite of mine. It's amazing how many shenanigans went on in this seemingly simple story — it's just a lot of fun. And be sure to listen through to the credits for a fun surprise 🎶

Welcome to Macintosh - 7: The Shimmy
The story of how a YouTube video made Steve Jobs dance.

Welcome to Macintosh - 7: The Shimmy
The story of how a YouTube video made Steve Jobs dance.

Mark Bramhill
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For the past couple of years, Alex Kapelman has been plagued by an iPhone notification sound that constantly reminds him of one of his favorite songs. He goes on a journey to find out why — and learns that he's not alone.

Welcome to Macintosh - 6: Somewhere in my memory
Alex hears music in the iPhone text tone, and he’s not alone

Welcome to Macintosh - 6: Somewhere in my memory
Alex hears music in the iPhone text tone, and he’s not alone