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Reset Plug
A power plug that resets router & modem when your WiFi fails

The Office Manager's Tech Stack
A collection of tools to keep the office moving

Matthew Deiters
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Hey PHers
If you have ever tried to order custom swag you know that it is way more painful then it should be. Each print shop carries a limited selection of tee options and turnarounds vary (up to a month). The few places that do cater to startups are significantly more expensive.
We put together Easy Swag to provide after helping several startups order custom tees with Large...

Easy Swag
Get custom affordable swag ridiculously easy via Slack

Easy Swag
Get custom affordable swag ridiculously easy via Slack

Coffee Test
Quality, on-demand in-person user testing of your app

Matthew Deiters
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That was fun! Lost 10 minutes making this - great combo of intrigue in a UX with a quick learning curve

Shareable screens that link to each other and the web

Matthew Deiters
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Hey PH - a few weeks ago we launched a lunchbot that made it simple to order lunch through slack. We took all the feedback and pulled together a new site and an updated more flexible product experience we're now calling For us it is one step closer to killing all the distracting tasks on your team's plate so they can stay focused on what matters. I hope teams using slack find it to be...
Order a meal for your team in Slack
Order a meal for your team in Slack

Order team lunch on-demand and hassle free from Slack
A Slack bot that gets you ice cream

On-demand Slack bot that can get you anything for the office

Matthew Deiters
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Today we're releasing a fun experiment we'll run for a brief time - it's a "request for products" board. This is a place you can share those ideas you've had. For those who want to build their idea, this can be a place to get some validation and help shaping it from the Assembly community – along with building an initial team. For everyone else it's a way to free the idea into the world and let...

Assembly RFP
Community requests for products

Assembly RFP
Community requests for products

Visor is an online tax filing and advisory solution that removes the hassle and complexity from doing your taxes. Our experienced team will help you file your return and advise year-round for a flat fee.

Request a photo or video from any location, right now

Let's all tweet in unison to celebrate Pi time on Pi day.

Matthew Deiters
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Interesting back story: @karangoel launched the predecessor of this on PH about 2 months ago ( and then shortly after moved the product on to Assembly to grow as a community product. It has been really fun to watch a team form around the product, build upon the idea, and then relaunch it today with a new focus

Express yourself on Twitter with more character

Express yourself on Twitter with more character

Matthew Deiters
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@clarklab yeah thats a great feature to add. I think this is just their initial launch - the community is building here - you can jump in and share any ideas on how to customize the "VIP" check

Receive alerts when VIP's signup for your service

Matthew Deiters
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Congrats @madflojo! I'm super excited to see Runbook launch. It has been exciting to watch @madflojo collaborate with the rest of the Assembly community towards this launch.
Runbook is a product built on Assembly so anyone can help out. If you have any suggestions or feedback the conversations and future roadmap are here:

Free automated DevOps with IFTTT-style mitigation of alerts