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Matt Dubberley
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It is intelligent and figures out when I should call people to maximize my chances of connecting. Uses data behavior, habits, etc for each individual lead or prospect you try to call to give you the best time to call
Pros: It saves me time chasing my customers on email and the phone
Cons: more integrations with CRMs

Prime Time to Call
We predict when your contacts will be available

Prime Time to Call uses real behavior data from your contacts to find out when your sales lead, prospects, and contacts are not busy, in a good mood, in and front of their computer at work. NO MORE: Phone Tag ~ I’m Busy ~ Voicemail ~ Maybe Later

Prime Time to Call
We predict when your contacts will be available

Matt Dubberley
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Hi Everyone! I'm the inventor, designer and founder of the LighterBro MultiTool. It hit the market a couple years ago and its still relatively unknown, possibly due to this being a self funded boot strapped endeavor. Tons of fun, none the less. The LighterBro is simply merging 2 of the most useful tools around (FIRE and the Pocket Knife). Anyone who needs fire and everyday tools could...

LighterBro MultiTool
Introducing the only MultiTool with Instant FIRE

LighterBro MultiTool
Introducing the only MultiTool with Instant FIRE

Matt Dubberley
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Its great for filming action sports with your smartphone. Not only does the handle give you a great professional filming experience, but it has the standard attachment for all tripods and other filming fixtures, so the possibilities for using your phone to film now go on and on...

Hot Shot Handle
Smartphone handle for action sports

Hot Shot Handle
Smartphone handle for action sports

Matt Dubberley
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Love to get this. how? the get it button is broken for me

A drone with a camera that follows you. Throw it in the air.

Matt Dubberley
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Looks useful for sure

Create interactive Facebook live videos in few clicks

Matt Dubberley
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This looks very innovative. So cool!
A scale that digitizes your body in photorealistic 3D! 💪

Matt Dubberley
left a comment
Great idea, way to make it happen!

Signal your availability and hang with friends