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Mehmet Ademi
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Excellent work, Fliki team! You've been tirelessly adding one remarkable feature after another, crafting a truly stunning product. ๐คฉ
Turn text into videos with AI voices
Get a personalized video of your GitHub statistics for 2023. Choose between three themes and download an MP4 to share on your socials!
GitHub Unwrapped 2023
Your coding year in review
Mehmet Ademi
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Hey Product Hunt! We are thrilled to partner with GitHub and For One Red on this exciting project.
It's simple: Enter your username and receive an animated video summarizing your 2023 on GitHub. You can then download an MP4, perfect for sharing on Twitter or LinkedIn! Plus, you have the option to choose from 3 themes to add a personal touch. Visit GitHubUnwrapped.
GitHub Unwrapped also serves...
GitHub Unwrapped 2023
Your coding year in review
Mehmet Ademi
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Just awesome to see the new version of Submagic and how committed the team has been so far.
Keep it up this way ๐
Submagic 2.0
Make your short-form videos more captivating with AI
Mehmet Ademi
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Wow, this looks so neat!
Congrats on the launch, you really did great work, Andrei!
Turn heads with memorable promo videos
Make videos programmatically using React. New in 4.0: Visual editing, the Render Button, and Rust-powered infrastructure for faster renders.
Remotion 4.0
Do more with React
Mehmet Ademi
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Congrats Karel, you did a great job with Dubbify!
Your videos, understood worldwide - translate your videos