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Mert Bozkir
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now we don't need milvus instance script to run? AWESOMEE! 😂
Making gen-ai process as easy as possible! (I like that idea)

Milvus Lite
Pip-install vector search for your GenAI applications

Mert Bozkir
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Congrats DVC VSCode team, now everybody can leverage experiment tracking and comparisons from VSCode, so fantastic! 🫶🔥
DVC Extension for VS Code
Track machine learning experiments right in your IDE

Mert Bozkir
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Night owl who struggles to transition to early riser.
It's hard, actually best ways to get a smooth transition are;
1. Get tired till evening and your sleep will got you!
2. Do not use screens after 8-9pm
3. Put a black curtain into your room where you sleep
4. Say your family members to not make noise at night xD
My sleep schedule is depend on the environment, sometimes I'm getting up at...
Are you a early riser or a night owl?
Ankur Singh
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Mert Bozkir
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Best product for DevRel people ever! ❤️
Discover opportunities to collaborate

Mert Bozkir
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Printing prime number with Python :)
What was your first coding project (no-code counts)?
Gabe Perez
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Mert Bozkir
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Attending Deep Learning Lectures. Also trying to develop project.
What are you building this week?
Aaron O'Leary
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Mert Bozkir
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Hello everyone,
My name is Mert. I am aspiring data scientist. I love communities and I love to contribute communities.
I know societies are so powerful and important things because you can share knowledge and experiment each other. Everi is one of society that powerful and important. Because everybody try to contribute each others not project, but life.
I would freely recommend anybody...

No BS professional networking community