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Michael Goff
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This makes the best sentences. But it won't process pieces with Daniel Radcliffe in the title and errors range from dangerous to hilarious and may be harder to catch. They are so prevalent that fact checking will take longer than writing it. (Much more than the 5 minutes they say to have your virtual assistant spend in the how-to video.).
One piece i requested was what we should know about...

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Michael Goff
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Id'd like to try this if not too late

Turn your iPhone into PC/Mac camera with this Plug&Play app.

Michael Goff
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Very lame. Fail. Searched twice on "Provincetown" a town in Massachusetts and out of three spins, two of them returned "Oops, we've run into an issue
The content filter has detected that the generated text may be political, mildly offensive, or violent. Please choose a different topic and try again." Could it be that you are overly filtering on LGBT people as the strong community is a big draw...

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