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  • Michael Ehrlich

    Michael Ehrlich

    Co-Founder and CTO of Coho AI


    I’m a tech enthusiast who loves turning complex problems into simple, scalable solutions. My focus is on building secure, reliable systems that help drive our mission to transform data into actionable insights that make a real impact. With a background in software engineering and data-driven approaches, I’m all about tackling tough challenges and exploring how technology can shape the future. Always up for a conversation about software architecture, cybersecurity, or the latest in tech. Reach out if you want to chat or brainstorm ideas!


    Founder & Leadership at Coho AI



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    • Coho AI
      Coho AI
      Boost Conversion Across The Customer Journey With Coho AI
      Sep 2024
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      Joined Product HuntJuly 14th, 2021