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Mirko Vukušić
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One of the best sites I've come across lately. Great win for "free everything" community. Just discovered it here so haven't dug deep, was hypnotized with so many nice photos. On a first glance, I'd like to include donations into the story. For content producers. I like the trend of donations through Patreon, Brave rewards or any other simple "tipping" platforms.
Unsplash 5.0
Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos.

Mirko Vukušić
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My last two laptops are XPS 15. Apart from weak wi-fi issues I can't flaw it. And while many moved to XPS13, I always hoped for XPS17.
Dell XPS 17
A new super-thin laptop with incredible power

Mirko Vukušić
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Hi all! Javascript developers help needed! launched v1 ( It is a JavaScript code benchmarking playground, like JSPerf but SPA (React and AWS in the back). Was in beta for over 2 years and got almost 2000 users, running about 30.000 tests per month.
It's an free (and soon to be OpenSource) project so best help you can offer is to give us...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 13th of July)
Aaron O'Leary
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Mirko Vukušić
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Any Javascript developers out there? really launched over 2 years ago but today is out of beta (v1.0.0). It is a free (soon to be OpenSource) tool to benchmark your JavaScript code (snippets), save and share them for others to see or to simplify testing on other browsers. Similar to JSPerf but a SPA built with React and AWS services. It has about...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 6th of July)
Aaron O'Leary
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Mirko Vukušić
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Do you use JavaScript code benchmark tools? And which one is your favourite?
Javascript code benchmarking playground

Mirko Vukušić
left a comment started over 2 years ago and got almost 2000 users. Now, v1.0.0 is released which is a complete rewrite with many improvements added that users requested. Also it was a necessary step to OpenSuurce it (coming soon).
At this stage, mostly I'm searching for comments, feature requirements for future versions. Basically, answers on questions: are you using benchmarking tools for...
Javascript code benchmarking playground

JavaScript code performance benchmark tool. How often you ask yourself which method is faster? How difficult is to run tests on different browsers/PCs? Create, save and share benchmarks (Benchmark.js under the hood) with snappy SPA (React/Mobx).
Javascript code benchmarking playground